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Harris Texas online Form 2106-EZ: What You Should Know

Aug 20, 2025 ā€” Effective 1 Sept. 2018. The Harris County Clerk's Office will be collecting the EZ tag sticker form along with the payment of your EZ tag fee, if it is received by the clerk, prior to expiration of the tax stamp issued by the toll road authority. The Clerk will send an invoice on the tax stamp with a payment address of PO Box 559, Harris County, Texas 77551 before expiration of the tax stamp. For more information or to obtain an EZ Tag sticker, please call our office at or send an e-mail to the Tax Tag Bureau at toll road.taxtaghoustontx.gov. A number of businesses had a special event to pay off their EZ tags. A number of employers have been paying their employee EZ tags through their payroll system. Most small businesses did not have to make this change because they kept the actual receipt of the fees and sent the appropriate portion of the EZ tags to the Toll Road Authority. The Texas Department of Transportation has a webpage that tells everyone what happens, and provides detailed instructions on how to pay. If you have questions, please call Toll Road Authority Toll-Free at. ā€œPā€ tag for PhD EZ tag. Note that for PhD this tag is made up of only numbers starting with ā€œ7ā€. EZ sticker required for vehicle registration P is in the first position of the license plate letter. The same number is next to this letter of plate. EZ tags are the standard for vehicle registration in Texas unless a specialty plate is being applied. The toll road authority uses a special ā€œPā€ tag that starts at ā€œ7ā€ to match the EZ or specialty plate number with the regular plate number. The P Tag is available in the mail to toll road customers who are requesting ā€œpā€ tag, and they are only required to pay it. P Tag Description P tag ā€” Specialty plate number on a P tag When a Toll-Free number is sent in the P tag it is placed in the first position of the plate letter. The P tag number indicates that the Toll-Free number is a special plate number. A specialty plate may be used to pay the regular license plate fee in lieu of adding a special license plate number to the P tag.Ā  This P tag can be used for payment of tolls and any other fees.

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